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Perfect domain hack: Hoodi.es was just sold

Hoodi.es is worth $190 USD to someone.

The Seller "ybharath007" has just sold hoodi.es at Flippa.com.

3 bidders saw an opportunity in the domain hack for the clothing keyword hoodies

Hoodi.es, a self-proclaimed domain hack with commercial value, represents a billion dollar industry and the first domain hack in the clothing industry that I know of. As the auction just ended an hour ago, there is of course no redirect, yet. I will keep an eye on the whois in order to follow up with the new owner. My first guess: It's not a clothing giant but a reseller!

Update: hoodi.es now redirects to Chris Green's personal blog. Chris Green is an authorpreneur and a domain flipper, who sold sell.io and merch.co for a combined USD 100,000.

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